Alex Stanescu
Alex Stanescu brings the standardised legal templates for slicing pie dynamic equity solution to Romanian startups! Alex is also focusing on commercial & corporate aspects of tech, and specially deep tech - such as blockchain & crypto. He advises startups in their scale-up efforts - strategic advice, management & set-up in major financial hubs such as NY, London, Paris.
He is also committed to bringing international arbitration as a favorite dispute resolution method to startups and tech-related companies.
He holds a tri-lingual MBA from Deusto University, Bilbao, Spain and a LLM and JD from University of Bucharest, Romania. Alexandru speaks Romanian, English, French, Spanish and Italian.

GERMAN legal expert: Stefanie Strümpfler
"Stefanie is certified specialist attorney for commercial and corporate law with seat in Berlin. her work is focused on start-ups. she supports them in the phases of incorporation up to the integration of investors and in their legal questions of day-to-day business. she works as a partner with her clients and develops practical and individual solutions with them. Her goal is always the realisation of your entrepreneurial opportunities. Stefanie co-developed the dynamic equity split for Germany."

SPANISH legal expert: Drd. Alexandru Lazar
Drd. Alexandru Lazar, is a Lawyer and Partner at IntLaw Abogados. Alexandru customised the slicing pie solution for Spanish start-ups! He is a member of the Barcelona Bar Association and of the Balearic Island Association. His activity is generally focused on M&A and Corporate, Insolvency, Corporate Compliance, Microfinance, International Trade and Relations and Commercial Law and Fashion Law. He is Associated Law Professor at UPF, Academic Director of the LLM in Compliance at EIS, Academic Co-Director in the LLM in Fashion Law at ISDE and IED, and member of the Academia Real de Jurisprudencia y Legislación de España, in the category Colaborador Asociado. Additionally, he is an Insolvency Administrator in Spain (administrator concursal). The founder of the Legal Outside the Box

DENMARK legal expert: Kasper Kiilsholm Ottesen
Specialists in startup matters, seed and venture capital law, and mergers and acquisitions, we take away the growing pains of growing companies. We work closely with founders in structuring the equity split in a manner that protects the entity’s interest while minimizing areas of conflict between the company and its founding teams or outside investors. We advise entrepreneurial companies and venture capital funds across a range of sectors on prospective seed and venture capital investments. We typically work with our clients from first term sheet negotiations and through successive funding rounds. Our focus throughout is on providing clear, actionable advice that will help secure the best possible terms.

DENMARK tax expert: Morten Willemar Kristensen
Morten is a State Authorized Public Accountant specializing in “Grow Business” with focus on providing services and advice to Start-ups and Grow Companies together with the rest of his team. They understand the nature of this company type and stage, what they expect and always have a goal on driving progress ahead. This includes services on setting up dynamic equity set-ups, warrant programs, scale-up advisory, tax credit, funding, recognition of development assets, M&A, tax structure, restructuring opportunities etc. We have gained a high experience in the field after working with the area for many years in RSMplus and Deloitte.

ESTONIA legal expert: Ants Karu
Ants is one of the top experts in tax and company law in Estonia. He is one of the founders of LEXTAL and has been a member of the Board of the Estonian Bar Association (2010-2016). He has remarkable experience in advising on concluding international transactions. Ants co-developed the dynamic equity split solution for Estonia.
He is also the Honorary Legal Adviser to the British Ambassador to Estonia. Ants graduated from the University of Tartu in 1994 and in his free time likes to stay in shape by playing golf, cycling and orienteering.

FRANCE legal expert: Alexis Aronio de Romblay
Alexis is attorney-at-law, registered with the Paris Bar, specializing in corporate, M&A and commercial law. He assists many entrepreneurs/start-ups as from their incorporation, focusing in particular on fundraisings and M&A transactions, as well as on their-day-to day legal issues, including for instance the incentive schemes of the managers and employees. Alexis co-developed the dynamic equity split solution for France.

FRANCE tax expert: Augustin Pradie
Augustin is attorney-at-law working in Paris. He is specialized in French and international tax law. He has gained strong experience in the field of taxation after working for a big 4 firm for more than 10 years. He assists entrepreneurs/start-ups for structuring their M&A and financing operations from a tax viewpoint. He also has good knowledge of management packages and provides day-to day tax assistance. He is a member of the International Fiscal Association and of the French “Institut des Avocats et Conseils Fiscaux”. Augustin co-developed the dynamic equity solution for France.

ITALY legal expert: Achille Ciccarelli
Achille assists Italian and foreign companies in their business and in last years he has focused on advising start-ups, in the healthcare and medical sectors, advertising, media and energy with principal aim to grow up their business from first steps, following the phases of before and post incorporation and helping them in their relationship with business angels or others funders, warding their ideas and giving shape to them across contracts and advisory.
He is attorney at law and civil and commercial mediator. His mother tongue is Italian and he is fluent in English and also speaks basic French. Achille co-developed the dynamic equity split solution for Italy.

NETHERLANDS legal expert: Jetse Sprey
Jetse has been around the startup scene for over a decade as a mentor and trusted advisor of many companies. His math and physics background helps him easily understand the technical issues a company may face. He and his team combine flexible out-of-the box solutions with customized advice.