Cofounding investors series 4.4

In the cofounding investors series we look together on how to evaluate a startup cofounding team. How to identify any possible red flags and mitigate risks which are not deal breakers. This is also useful checklist for the fundraising funders - and their team's investment readiness.

The last part of your due diligence is the soft side of the team - the team alignment and dynamics.

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Jana Nevrlka
Cofounding investors series 3.4

In the cofounding investors series we look together on how to evaluate a startup cofounding team. How to identify any possible red flags and mitigate risks which are not deal breakers.
This is also useful checklist for the fundraising funders - and their team's investment readiness.
The next part of your due diligence is some of the legal set up - founders focus.

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Jana Nevrlka
Cofounding investors series 2.4

In the cofounding investors series we look together on how to evaluate a startup cofounding team. How to identify any possible red flags and take care of the orange flags (mitigate the risks that do not present a deal breaker and you can take care of). The logical place to start is the team’s business set up.

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Jana Nevrlka
Cofounding investors series 1.4

Investing in a startup as an interesting option for portfolio diversification has become increasingly popular - also for angel investors.

The one million dollar question is though: How to select the RIGHT project / business to invest in?

Experience has value. And as every professional early stage investor, proven entrepreneurs and numerous studies will tell you – the nr. 1 factor in their decision to invest – is the startups’ cofounding team.

Here are some useful tips to help you with your due diligence.

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Jana Nevrlka
Time to celebrate - Slicing Pie available to founders in 15 European countries

The fairest equity split is becoming available to more and more European founders. It all started with an innocent question by two early stage founders - would it be possible to implement slicing pie in Switzerland?

Slicing pie is a very interesting alternative to fixed equity splits. It ‘cures’ a lot of the pains of fixed equity splits - you can fairly evaluate the past (how much each cofounder already contributed), you do not need to make guesses about the future (how much will each cofounder contribute), and you can motivate the founders by combination of time and milestones settings.

There are thousands of founders all over the world with a great experience of using slicing pie.

And now - founders in 15 European countries can easily implement slicing pie for their projects too.

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Jana Nevrlka
Who is the right cofounder for you? 2.3

Have you ever been in a situation where you spent hours and hours talking about which way to go and you couldn’t agree - only later to find out that everybody actually wanted to go somewhere else? Literally or metaphorically. Values and direction alignment is one of the most overlooked but crucially important aspect of getting the right cofounding team.

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Jana Nevrlka
Who is the right cofounder for you? 1.3

Answering this question is about as easy as answering the question who you should marry (or have an equivalent life-long commitment). Meaning: not easy (to answer).

There are no golden formulas, proven recipes or universal answers. I am not saying all of this to leave you out in the dark though. I just want to manage your expectations and set the mindset that finding the right cofounder is an exciting process that can take a lot of effort, should take some time and must be done with a clear mind on what it is that you are looking for - if this search is to be successful. And give you some useful guidance on how to do it right!

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Jana Nevrlka
Equity split: how to start

It is YOUR business that you are building. It is YOUR decision how you allocate the equity. It is one of the MOST IMPORTANT decisions that you will ever make - and one that very much influences if you are going to succeed. But you are not quite sure where to start. There are so many ‘how to guides’, proven formulas, calculators and so much well-meant advice out there. You can breathe out. It will all get simpler from here - here is the first question you need to answer: what do you believe is the right thing to do?

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Jana Nevrlka
How to break up with a cofounder - before getting ‘married’

For a while you have been working with your potential cofounder and realised that he / she is not the right person. Your potential cofounder however thinks that this is all a done deal - that you will be the cofounders and that you will both share equity in the future business.

Oops. Here you are… you made the mistake of giving the engagement ring on your first date. Then you realised that you are actually not such a perfect fit and now you wonder how to get yourself out of this mess.

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Jana Nevrlka
Cofounder disputes - try mediation

“ Tensions in cofounding team are frequent and if handled properly, can strengthen your startup. If not - they are very likely to brake it. How can you as a founder increase your chances of make instead of brake? Mediation is one of the most useful and needed tools for cofounders that no-one talks about.”

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Jana Nevrlka